
Hot RSS Activity for "White & Nerdy"

This showed up in my RSS reader twice already. Thanks to 43 Folders and Jason Calacanis for sharing!


The Funniest Skit Ever

Absolute comic genius.

"I'm not a strooooong swimmer." "Hey, you! I know you. I know you!"


Six Years Ago I Was Doing Nothing Cool

Is it weird that I'm madly in love with this guy? But mostly I'm in love with him from March and April of 2002 - that was really his best month.
Dedication always has to be rewarded. And what better reward than a spot on methinks,inc?

P.S. this one is long, almost 6 minutes, but there's this sortof hypnotic philip glass-esque music to keep you enthralled.


Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments

Gotta love the lab coats!

Diet Coke+Mentos: No Myth to Bust Here

This video will be the the funniest if you've already seen the "Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments" video, so I'll post it next for anyone that's new to it.

OK GO Performs Live on Treadmills

OK WOW! I have a lot of admiration for this band. They were on treadmills in the "Here It Goes Again" music video, but doing the act live at the MTV Awards takes it to another level. The originality blows me away. You have to watch this!


Jack's Back!

The premiere example of homegrown movie editing. Seamless editing between old movies and (occasional) original content. Absoutely brilliant - and bonus points if you can name all the different movies contained within.

Cookin Breffis' or Somethin'

An all-time classic. I don't know what's funnier - Bubb himself, or the reporter.


Gothreaper Redefines Belly Dancing

What really amazes me is that this woman is smart enough to record and upload a video to YouTube.